Yasuo vs zed
Yasuo vs zed

yasuo vs zed

Basically, once you have a third Q, Steel Tempest, or knock up Q, Steel Tempest, ready then you will knock up your opponent. This combo will require you to have at least a 1.5 second CD on your Q, Steel Tempest to consistently perform this combo. Purpose: Maximize damage and gain and extra Q, Steel Tempest stackĮxplanation: Airblading can be a bit trickier than beyblading. You want to try to stay as healthy as possible so that you can deal as much damage as you can.Ĭombo: Steel Tempest → Sweeping Blade → Steel Tempest → Last Breath Otherwise, Yasuo is not a champion that you want to be at low HP. This way I can properly utilize this rune. The only time I have ever switched to Last Stand is if I am in a harder lane match up and will be at a lower HP threshold for most of lane. Personally, I am a bigger fan of Coup de Grace as Yasuo has no real damage or life steal amplifiers below 40% HP such as Darius, Olaf, and Sylas. I've seen Yasuo player's such as Repobah swap between the two. I've had tons of debates about these two runes. If the enemy team does have tons of CC then Legend: Tenacity is the right rune to pick.

yasuo vs zed

Unless the enemy team have a ton of CC then I would use Legend: Bloodline. In this scenario you can run either Legend: Bloodline or Legend: Tenacity. However, if you find yourself building other forms of attack speed such as Blade of the Ruined King or Wit's End then you do not need Legend: Alacrity to cap out your Q, Steel Tempest, cooldown. So, unless you know you are running extra attack speed in your build I would recommend sticking with Legend: Alacrity.

yasuo vs zed

In 90% of my games I run Legend: Alacrity since most of my Yasuo builds do not incorporate extra attack speed outside of Berserker's Greaves and Immortal Shieldbow. These three runes are where things get a little tricky. Legend: Alacrity or Legend: Bloodline or Legend: Tenacity? When it comes to Overheal I find myself using this run when I run Fleet Footwork, or if I am rushing early life steal, such as Immortal Shieldbow, since I can use this rune at all points of the game. I personally take Triumph when I run Conqueror, or in games where I won't be getting early life steal, rushing Kraken Slayer or Trinity Force, since Overheal won't be used until the mid to late game while Triumph can take effect immediately. Overheal and Triumph are amazing runes for Yasuo, and can help in differing scenarios. Pick the keystone you think is best for what situation, or pick based on which keystone you like more. In the end, both runes are amazing and there is no right or wrong answer. A good example could be taking Conqueror into a poke match up because the enemy team have tons of tanks and bruisers. These runes can also be changed based on enemy team comps. Fleet Footwork, on the other hand, works best into losing match ups and heavy poke match ups. I find that Conqueror works best into melee match ups, even match ups, or winning match ups. From my experience, both keystones are great options. These two keystones are always hotly debated amongst Yasuo mains.

Yasuo vs zed